Research and University Extension in Plant Physiology - PExFisio
The elaboration of the team’s study, titled 'Research and University Extension in Plant Physiology - PExFisio', is based on the high demand of students from the fields of agricultural sciences, biological sciences and related disciplines in the consolidation of theoretical and practical contents in subjects related to botany, especially plant physiology. Students and other members will have the opportunity to improve their knowledge of scientific and experimental subjects focused on this area of study. The possible activities to be developed include:
- Meet demands related to the formation of human resources with multidisciplinary training, since it is evident that this team study may present themes/subjects that are strongly linked to the formation of professionals in strategic areas for the country, especially in the areas of agricultural and biological sciences, among others, which are available from CNPq and CAPES;
- Maintaining direct contact with agricultural production areas and directly applying theoretical content with economic productivity;
- Planning and executing laboratory and/or field experiments and training in technical-scientific writing. Social relevance: - Interaction between higher education students and the resident community in and around the Lagoa do Sino Territory, especially students from the public high school;
- Create opportunities to reveal young talents in the areas of teaching, research and extension in the academic area, as well as in high school;
- Disseminate and popularise science and/or research at local, regional and national levels.