Internal Rules of Procedure


Provides for the duties and responsibilities relating to the activities of the 'Research and University Extension in Plant Physiology' (PExFisio) team’s study and makes other arrangements.


Section I

Art. 1º. This regiment is intended:
I - To attend to the demands relevant to the formation of human resources with multidisciplinary training. This study group may present themes/subjects strongly linked to the formation of professionals in strategic areas for the country, especially the areas of agrarian Sciences, biological Sciences and similar, available at CNPq and CAPES;
II – To establish contact with agricultural production areas and directly apply theoretical contents with economic productivity and sustainability;
III – To plan and perform laboratory and/or field experiments and training in technical-scientific writing with the interaction between students of the College and the resident community and around the Territory of Lagoa do Sino, especially students of the public high school;
IV – To reveal young talents in the areas of teaching-research, extension and experimentation in the academic area, as well as in high school;
V – To disseminate and popularise research and/or extension and/or experimentation on the relevant subjects of this Regiment in the local, regional and national scope.

Section II
Study group members

Art. 2º. The undergraduate students of the Lagoa do Sino campus and students from the external community with a notable interest in topics within the areas of plant physiology and/or botany, focusing on scientific research and/or university extension and/or agro-social-environmental experimentation.



Art. 3º. Actions to be developed:
I - Improvement of public presentation techniques on plant physiology and botany;
II - Discussions of articles and scientific reviews;
III – Development of studies on botanical weed diagnosis, phytoremediation physiology, production physiology of cultivated and uncultivated plants, hydroponics as a tool for research and economic production, soil-plant-atmosphere interaction, mechanisms of herbicide action in cultivated and uncultivated plants, sexual and asexual propagation of cultivated and uncultivated Plants, gas exchange in cultivated and uncultivated plants, rational use of fertilisers and critical levels, special topics in botany and/or related areas.
III - General instructions on good laboratory practices in plant physiology and botany and training in references on subjects/research topics in plant physiology and related areas.


Section I
Coordinators that make up the study group

Art. 4º. The research group will contain four types of coordination, which are:
I - Research Coordination;
II - Extension Coordination;
III - Experimentation Coordination;
IV - Finance Coordination.

Sole paragraph: These will be responsible for elaborating, policing, and developing the actions and pathways that the research group will lead over time. The coordinators will be formed exclusively by members who have previously gone through the selection process.

Art. 5º. All of the Coordinating Offices will have the same power of decision; thus, it is implied that there is no hierarchy within the group at the member level.

Section II
Attributes of each coordination type

Art. 6º. The attributes of the coordination types are:
I - Research coordination: organisation of laboratory inputs and schedules, monitoring, technological innovation, scientific lectures, abstracts and scientific events;
II - Extension coordination: organisation of extension inputs and advisory schedules, technological innovation, extension lectures, summaries and extension events;
III - Experimentation coordination: organisation of field inputs and related activities, technological innovation, monitoring of open areas, dissemination, summaries, field days, lectures and field-applied experimentation.
V - Finance coordination: responsible for controlling, in a transparent manner, the
group's finances and devising viable ways to raise funds.

Sole paragraph: Elements common to coordination include minutes, attendance rules, contacts, websites, schedules, sponsorships, marketing, publicising of notices and selections, logos, technical-scientific disclosure, mapping of difficulties, short courses, internships, workshops, training, and patents.

Art. 7º. For a member to be involved in coordination, there must be some attributes and skills that are observed during the selection process.


Art. 8º. The selection process for the group is based on three different evaluation instruments:
I - Delivery of supporting documents that have previously attended to the discipline(s) of systematic botany (or equivalent) and biochemistry (or equivalent), and/or related to these disciplines;
II - If a candidate’s qualification under item I is confirmed, the candidate will participate in face-to-face carried out on a date/time previously disclosed on the bulletin board of the “Ciclo Básico I” under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Baron and/or other students currently supervised by this and/or 01 guests technical server. If an applicant achieves satisfactory performance at this stage, they will be called upon for dissemination of the mural set on the bulletin board of “Ciclo Básico I”;
III. An individual and in-person interview will be conducted with Prof. Daniel Baron and/or student(s) currently oriented by this and/or 01 guests technical server. Upon completion of this stage, the disclosure of the final selection result will be fixed on the notice board of “Ciclo Básico I”.


Art. 9º. The effective members must attend general meetings and, in their absence, justify their absence in advance, considering at least 75% participation in the period to which their participation in the group refers.

Art. 10º. To propose measures of action that may be taken by the group, comply with all decisions that may be taken, ensure the faithful execution of activities, ensure material heritage, effectively participate in events organised by the group, publicise and organise the participation of the group in events, corroborate the development of other members in all possible areas, disseminate the group at the student and faculty level, campus, university, and local community.

Art. 11º. To structure periodic reports of operational processes that they developed during their time as an effective member of the group, as well as operational team processes, without losing sight of the fact that all research generated—whether research, extension, or experimentation—should become technical-scientific publications.

Art. 12º. Each member must meet the minimum number of points (25) for each semi-annual period (6 months), according to the activity chart (Chart 1).

Chart 1. Scoring of activities linked directly to the study group



Activity score

Minimum points needed individually

Maximum points needed individually

Courses/training given in the area of interest related to the team’s study




Attendance at group monthly general meetings




The organisation of events and activities related to the team’s study




Interaction with data collection and/or text writing in initiation projects of another team’s study






Art. 13º. Reasons leading to a member being dismissed from the team’s study include:
I - Loss of ‘scientific initiation’ (“IC”) for reasons that are foreseen and supported by the General Regulations of Undergraduate Courses of UFSCar;
II - Failure to comply with the rules set forth herein as well as other campus rules regarding the use of permanent equipment, consumables, and third party services;
III - Not assist and/or hindering the development of other members' ICs.


Art. 14º. Proposals for amendments to the present Internal Rules will only be accepted in writing at least fifteen (15) days prior to consideration by all members. After examination by the study team, amendments will start immediately if approved at an ordinary meeting.

Sole Paragraph: For the approval of amendments or alterations, the vote of a 2/3 (two-thirds) majority of the voting members shall be required.

Art. 15º. Any cases of omission in this present Internal Rules shall be decided by mutual agreement between the of the study team members.