Agronomic performance of commom bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars in sustainable transformation cultivation in winter crop.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic performance of ten common bean cultivars belonging to different groups, cultivated in the sustainable conversion system. The experiment was conducted at winter season 2019, in Buri (SP). The experimental design was randomized blocks, considering 10 treatments and three replications, totaling 30 experimental units. The plots consisted of bean cultivars: IPR Campos Gerais, IPR Sabiá, IPR Curió, BRS Estilo, IPR Tuiuiu, IPR Urutau, BRS Esteio, IPR Garça, BRS Realce and an LP15-02 strain. Experimental conduction of experimental units was identical and with sustainable conversion applied to minimal chemical applications using unused products and using the level of economic damage for decision making. For agronomic performance analysis, data were collected from records, weights of 100 grains, height, number of leaves and plant thickness. Data were preliminarily analyzed using descriptive statistics, without which two cultivars were removed from the study, then analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and averages compared by the Scott-Knott test (p <0 .05). Regarding the weight of 100 grains, the cultivars IPR Garça and LP 15-02 are highlighted. The cultivars IPR Curió, BRS Style and IPR Urutau get lower values for grain yelds statistically. In relation to vegetative development as cultivar IPR Curió, BRS Estilo and BRS Enhance differently negatively from the others only in the plant height analysis. Thus, the agronomic performance analysis for these cultivars in winter 2019 is positive for IPR Campos Gerais, IPR Sabiá, IPR Garça and LP 15-02 cultivars.

Agronomical performance. Phytotechnic. Phaseolus vulgaris L. Productivity. Sustainable transition.

Leandro Passos de Macedo

Daniel Baron

Rafaela Caroline Joaquin

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